"Providing solutions to assist 
your business in achieving 
maximum profits."
K Swan Consulting offers a variety of services to the small business client. Many of the services are customized for each client.  We specialize in expense reduction analysis.  The objective of an expense reduction analysis is to uncover costs associated with doing business that can be reduced or eliminated while maintaining or increasing the overall efficiency, productivity, and profitability of the business.  Some of the services are: developing short and long term budgets, analyzing fixed and variable overhead, increasing employee productivity, analyzing product and service costs, and developing expense reduction strategies to meet each client's specific needs.  Other management services include: developing direction and strategies, increasing profits and cash flow, managing finances, implementing plans, managing rapid growth, establishing good information systems, and creating effective communications and productivity.

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Kim Swan
Small Business
Management Consultant
"Providing solutions to assist your business in achieving maximum profits."